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Blurry Lights


My Journey

I have been studying and practicing healing modalities since 2021. I started with Reiki as a self-help practice. I felt there was a larger goal in store for me. Over time I developed an energy awareness, intuition, and a disciplined practice. The healer path revealed itself. I'm grateful for my blessings, accomplishments, and ability to serve, protect, and heal others. I'm following through with my awareness, abilities, and experimental playfulness to serve those in need. Ultimately, my goal is to empower you. As of now, I offer Reiki treatments. Upon request, I can lovingly facilitate your intentions during the Reiki treatment with my flute, drum, or rattle.

Reiki is a universal life energy that's already present within you. When channeled, it becomes a powerful healing modality that provides comfort in numerous ways. As a practitioner, I can open, clear, and balance your energy centers. My Integrative Reiki sessions reinforce your intention to discover sources of confusion, discomfort, or other needs. The other benefit of Reiki Healing is that it will go where needed. During the sessions and onward, your higher self and I lovingly call for you to be a playfully experimental and active participant.

Reiki Level 1 - 2021

Reiki Level 2 - 2022

Reiki Level 3 - 2023

Night Sky


My Purpose

My mission is to serve, protect, and heal those around me. My goal is to genuinely elevate human consciousness. It's important  we can take our spiritual practice and well being into our own hands. The growth, happiness, and child like wonder in your adventure is yours to enjoy and share. My service to you imparts tranquility, clarity, and active participation. The services and tools discussed apply to your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. With utmost humility, I offer insight toward practical applications of Unconditional Love, Gratitude, and Compassion. Together, we will facilitate awareness through my energy sessions and individual consultations.

I've found a part of this mission is to serve through volunteering. As of now, I'm seeking opportunities at animal conservatories and hospices. I'm extending myself to those that may not have access to these services. In a way, I'm walking my talk and it feels good. Contact me if you'd like to collaborate or have volunteer opportunity ideas!

We are all powerful and insightful. We have the ability and choice to love ourselves and those around us.


Northern Lights


Always a Student

I always seek information on healing modalities to improve my skill sets and allow me to serve those around me. I follow through and practice what I learn to determine what to integrate. Currently, I'm practicing Sound Healing and Shamanism. With permission, I will introduce Sound Healing with Reiki sessions. Sound Healing facilitates intention setting, manifestation, and breaking undesirable energies.


I began my six-month Shamanic Apprenticeship, where I'm learning other energy healing methods. I'm able to conduct a Power Animal retrieval. Please inform me if you'd like to know more about this and if you'd like to integrate this into your session.


In June, I begin a Sekhem Level 1 & 2 training. Sekhem is an ancient Egyptian and alternative healing modality. Sekhem is similar to Reiki. However, it's a feminine energy and works on a higher vibration. Sekhem focuses on energetic and soul imbalances. I'm very excited to learn this modality to see how I can incorporate it.


 I'll update my available services as my practice evolves and develops.

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